Dr. Catherine Oldfield, DAOM, NA, PC

Hello! I am Dr. Catherine Oldfield, DAOM (Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)
I am excited have been bringing Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine to the Lake Chelan Valley here in Washington since 2010.
I am able to offer my patients, as follows, for their optimal health benefit:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine – Acupuncture
- Oriental Medicine – Chinese Herbs
- Acutonics – Tuning Fork Therapy
- Kiikio Techniques – Japanese Style Acupuncture
- Medical Qi Gong
- Tui Na
- Nutritional Planning
- Acupuncture Injection Therapy

Educational Background
- Bachelor of Natural Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Bastyr University, Kenmore, Washington
Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Five Branches University, Santa Cruz, California
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Five Branches University, San Jose, California
Advanced Studies
- Bachelor of Natural Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Bastyr University, Kenmore, Washington
- Kiiko Techniques, Japanese Style Acupuncture, Five Branches University
- Advance Nueromuscular Pain Management, Five Branches University
- Women’s Health, Five Branches University
- Fertility, Five Branches University
Medical Qi Gong, Five Branches University - Tung’s Acupuncture, Five Branches University
- Facial Rejuvenation with Suzana Shen
- Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation with Barbara Berger
- Advanced Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation with Barbara Berger
- Five Element Acupuncture, Bastyr University
- Essential Oils, Bastyr University
- Acutonics, I-III with Susan Wadden
- Acupuncture Injection Therapy
Licenses and Credentials
- Licensed Acupuncturist (EAMP/L.Ac.), Washington State Department of Health
- Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.), National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Medical Specialist, United States Army
- Integrative Sports Medicine Certificate, Five Branches University
- Clean Needle Technique, Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers, American Heart Association
- Drug and Alcohol Detoxification, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA)
- Acupuncture Injection Therapy

Professional Experience
- Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas
- Fort Funston, San Francisco, California
- Presidio Hospital, San Francisco, California
- Janus of Santa Cruz, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center, Santa Cruz, California
- Mental Health Client Action Network (MHCAN), Drop-in Mental Health Center, Santa Cruz, California
- Nurture Acupuncture, Reproductive Science Center, Fertility Support, San Ramon, California
- Santa Cruz Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Santa Cruz, California
- Columbia Valley Community Health, Wenatchee & Chelan, Washington
- Regency Manor, Chelan Washington
Societies and Memberships
- Washington Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association
- American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- American Acupuncture Council
- National Acupuncture Detoxification Society
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA), including chairing several fund raising events.
- Girl Scout Association, including role as a troop leader.
- Amador Valley Quilting Guild member, participating in the yearly making and donation of quilts to underprivileged families.
- San Ramon Library Association member, including participation in yearly book sales.
- Member and Vice President in the Chelan Undercover Quilters Guild.
- Member and Secretary of the Chelan/Douglas County NALS association.
- Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce volunteer, participating in various local fund raising events.
- Chelan County Court Appointed Special Advocate.