Schedule An Appointment

Here are a few things for you to know before your first visit:

  • Please bring all of the forms below signed and filled out as completely as you can.
  • Please do not brush your tongue before your first visit ~ we will use this diagnostically to help in our evaluation.
  • Please do not come on an empty stomach ~ it is important to have food in your system before receiving your treatment.
  • Please do not wear perfumes/colognes/fragrances to your appointments ~ the office is a fragrance free area due to the allergy sensitivity of others.

Fill Out The 7 Forms Below:

To fill out forms – click on each form to download or print.
Highlighted (bolded), are the forms to print, fill out and bring to your appointment.
Non-highlighted are information forms for you.

Health History Questionnaire

Informed Consent for Acupuncture

Financial Policy

Consent for Use and Disclosure of Health Information

Arbitration Agreement

Privacy Practices

Scope of Practice Notification

Make An Appointment Here